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Sandy Peng

Director, GoMax Electronics Inc. (TWSE: 6512)

Independent Director / Audit Committee Member / Remuneration Committee, Mars Semiconductor Corp. (TWSE: 6708)

Independent Director / Audit committee Member, ACM Research Shanghai, Inc. (Shanghai, China Stock code: 688082)


Master of EMBA, NCTU

Master of MBA, Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU), U.S.A.


Project CEO Silicon Carbide (SIC) Innovation Research, National Taiwan University

CEO / Chairman / Spokesman / CFO, Championmicro Electronic Corp. (TWSE: 3257)

Director, Avision Inc. (TWSE: 2380)

Director, HC Photonics Corp.

General Manager, GreatPower Micro Corp. (ShenZen, China)

Mainland Affairs Converner, Association of Allied Industries , HSIP

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